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- /**
- * Scout - The Amiga System Monitor
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- * You must not use this source code to gain profit of any kind!
- *
- *------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * @author Andreas Gelhausen
- * @author Richard Körber <rkoerber@gmx.de>
- */
- #include "system_headers.h"
- static APTR SysPool = NULL;
- __asm __saveds LONG syslist_dspfunc(register __a2 char **array, register __a1 struct SystemEntry *sysentry, register __a0 struct Hook *hook)
- {
- if (sysentry) {
- *array++ = sysentry->syse_desc;
- *array = sysentry->syse_line;
- }
- return(0);
- }
- struct Hook syslist_dsphook = {
- (ULONG (* )())syslist_dspfunc,
- };
- void FreeSystem (void)
- {
- MyFreePoolStructs(&SysPool, systext, NULL, syslist);
- }
- static struct SystemEntry * genentry(struct SystemEntry **first, struct SystemEntry **previous, int *syscnt)
- {
- struct SystemEntry *sysentry;
- if(sysentry = tbAllocPooled(SysPool, sizeof(struct SystemEntry))) {
- if (! *first)
- *first = sysentry;
- if (*previous)
- (*previous)->syse_next = sysentry;
- (*syscnt)++;
- *previous = sysentry;
- }
- return(sysentry);
- }
- STRPTR MyIdHardware(ULONG num)
- {
- return IdHardwareTags(num,IDTAG_Localize,FALSE,TAG_DONE);
- }
- int MyIdCheck(ULONG num)
- {
- return (int)IdHardwareTags(num,IDTAG_NULL4NA,TRUE,TAG_DONE);
- }
- void DateToInt( struct DateStamp *ds,
- ULONG *u )
- {
- *u = SMult32(ds->ds_Days, 86400) +
- SMult32(ds->ds_Minute, 60) +
- SDivMod32(ds->ds_Tick, TICKS_PER_SECOND);
- }
- void IntToDate( ULONG r,
- struct DateStamp *ds )
- {
- ds->ds_Days = UDivMod32(r, 86400);
- r = getreg(REG_D1);
- ds->ds_Minute = UDivMod32(r, 60);
- r = getreg(REG_D1);
- ds->ds_Tick = UMult32(r, TICKS_PER_SECOND);
- }
- int GetSystem (struct SystemEntry **first) {
- struct SystemEntry *sysentry,*previous = NULL;
- int syscnt = 0;
- ULONG cacr = GetCACR(); /* 68020..68060 */
- ULONG pcr = GetPCR(); /* 68060 */
- UWORD attn = SysBase->AttnFlags;
- *first = 0;
- if (!SysPool) SysPool = tbCreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR, 4096, 4096);
- if (clientstate) {
- if (SendDaemon ("GetSysList")) {
- while ((sysentry = tbAllocPooled(SysPool, sizeof(struct SystemEntry))) \
- && (ReceiveDecodedEntry ((UBYTE *) sysentry, sizeof (struct SystemEntry)))) {
- if (! *first)
- *first = sysentry;
- if (previous)
- previous->syse_next = sysentry;
- syscnt++;
- previous = sysentry;
- }
- }
- } else if(!IdentifyBase) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "8identify.library not available!");
- }
- } else {
- ULONG lastalert;
- IdHardwareUpdate(); /* Liste auf dem aktuellsten Stand */
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- HARDWARE --");
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"System");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",IdHardware(IDHW_SYSTEM,NULL));
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Processor");
- if(MyIdCheck(IDHW_CPUREV))
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"CPU: %s / %s (ID $%04lx, Rev %s)", MyIdHardware(IDHW_CPU), MyIdHardware(IDHW_CPUCLOCK), pcr>>16, MyIdHardware(IDHW_CPUREV));
- else
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"CPU: %s / %s", MyIdHardware(IDHW_CPU), MyIdHardware(IDHW_CPUCLOCK));
- }
- if(MyIdCheck(IDHW_FPU)) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"FPU: %s / %s", MyIdHardware(IDHW_FPU), MyIdHardware(IDHW_FPUCLOCK));
- }
- }
- if(MyIdCheck(IDHW_MMU)) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"MMU: %s", MyIdHardware(IDHW_MMU));
- }
- }
- if(MyIdCheck(IDHW_POWERPC)) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"PPC: %s / %s", MyIdHardware(IDHW_POWERPC), MyIdHardware(IDHW_PPCCLOCK));
- }
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Chipset");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s, RamSey %s, Gary %s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_CHIPSET),MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAMSEY),MyIdHardware(IDHW_GARY));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"ChunkyPlanar %s, BattClock %s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_CHUNKYPLANAR),MyIdHardware(IDHW_BATTCLOCK));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Mother RAM");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s Bit, %s Access, %s CAS, %sx Bandwidth",MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAMWIDTH),MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAMACCESS),MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAMCAS),MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAMBANDWIDTH));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Frequencies");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"VBlank %s, Power %s, E %s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_VBLANKFREQ),MyIdHardware(IDHW_POWERFREQ),MyIdHardware(IDHW_ECLOCK));
- }
- if(attn & AFF_68010) {
- ULONG cache = CacheControl(0,0);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- REGISTERS --");
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"VBR $%08lx",GetVBR());
- }
- if(attn & AFF_68020)
- {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"CACR $%08lx",cacr);
- }
- }
- if(attn & AFF_68060)
- {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"PCR $%08lx",pcr);
- }
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(attn & AFF_68020) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_desc,"Inst Cache");
- if(cache&CACRF_EnableI){
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Enabled ");
- if((attn&AFF_68030) && (!(attn&AFF_68040)) && (cache&CACRF_IBE)) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Burst ");
- if(cache&CACRF_FreezeI) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Frozen ");
- if((attn&AFF_68060) && (cacr&(1<<13))) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Half ");
- }else{
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Disabled");
- }
- }
- }
- if(attn & AFF_68030) {
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_desc,"Data Cache");
- if(cache&CACRF_EnableD){
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Enabled ");
- if((attn&AFF_68030) && (!(attn&AFF_68040)) && (cache&CACRF_DBE)) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Burst ");
- if(cache&CACRF_FreezeD) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Frozen ");
- if((attn&AFF_68060) && (cacr&(1<<27))) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Half ");
- if((attn&AFF_68030) && (!(attn&AFF_68040)) && (cache&CACRF_WriteAllocate)) strcat(sysentry->syse_line,"Allocate ");
- }else{
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Disabled");
- }
- }
- }
- if((attn&AFF_68040) && (!(attn&AFF_68060)) && (cache&CACRF_CopyBack)){
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"CopyBack");
- }
- }
- if(cache&CACRF_EnableE){
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"External Cache");
- }
- }
- if(attn & AFF_68060)
- {
- if(pcr&(1<<0))
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Superscalar");
- }
- if(cacr&(1<<23))
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Branch Cache");
- }
- if(cacr&(1<<29))
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"Store Buffer");
- }
- if(cacr&(1<<28))
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"CPUSH invalidation disabled");
- }
- if(pcr&(1<<1))
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line,"FPU disabled");
- }
- }
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- BPTR lock;
- if (lock = Lock("RAM:", SHARED_LOCK)) {
- struct InfoData *id;
- if (id = AllocVec(sizeof(struct InfoData), MEMF_CLEAR)) {
- if (Info(lock, id)) {
- struct DeviceList *ramDev;
- ULONG currentTime, bootTime, upTime;
- struct DateStamp ds;
- struct DateTime dt;
- ramDev = BADDR(id->id_VolumeNode);
- DateToInt(&ramDev->dl_VolumeDate, &bootTime);
- DateStamp(&ds);
- DateToInt(&ds, ¤tTime);
- upTime = currentTime - bootTime;
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- UPTIME --");
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- IntToDate(currentTime, &dt.dat_Stamp);
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- dt.dat_Flags = 0;
- dt.dat_StrDay = NULL;
- dt.dat_StrDate = dateStr;
- dt.dat_StrTime = timeStr;
- DateToStr(&dt);
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Current time");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s %s", dateStr, timeStr);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- IntToDate(bootTime, &dt.dat_Stamp);
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- dt.dat_Flags = 0;
- dt.dat_StrDay = NULL;
- dt.dat_StrDate = dateStr;
- dt.dat_StrTime = timeStr;
- DateToStr(&dt);
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Boot time");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s %s", dateStr, timeStr);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- IntToDate(upTime, &dt.dat_Stamp);
- dt.dat_Format = FORMAT_DOS;
- dt.dat_Flags = 0;
- dt.dat_StrDay = NULL;
- dt.dat_StrDate = NULL;
- dt.dat_StrTime = timeStr;
- DateToStr(&dt);
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Uptime");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%4ld days, %s hours", dt.dat_Stamp.ds_Days, timeStr);
- }
- }
- FreeVec(id);
- }
- UnLock(lock);
- }
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- VERSIONS --");
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"AmigaOS");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s (= %s), SetPatch %s, ROM %s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_OSNR),MyIdHardware(IDHW_OSVER),MyIdHardware(IDHW_SETPATCHVER),MyIdHardware(IDHW_ROMSIZE));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Exec");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_EXECVER));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Workbench");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_WBVER));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Graphics");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_GFXSYS));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Audio");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_AUDIOSYS));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"TCP/IP");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_TCPIP));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"PowerPC-OS");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_PPCOS));
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- MEMORY --");
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy(sysentry->syse_line," Chip Fast TOTAL");
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Plain");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%9s %9s %9s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_PLNCHIPRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_PLNFASTRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_PLNRAM));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Virtual");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%9s %9s %9s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_VMMCHIPRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_VMMFASTRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_VMMRAM));
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"TOTAL");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%9s %9s %9s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_CHIPRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_FASTRAM),MyIdHardware(IDHW_RAM));
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"SlowRAM: %s",MyIdHardware(IDHW_SLOWRAM));
- }
- lastalert = IdHardwareNum(IDHW_LASTALERT,NULL);
- if(lastalert != 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_line,ESC "c" ESC "8-- LAST ALERT --");
- }
- genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt);
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Alert Code");
- _sprintf(sysentry->syse_line,"%08lx",lastalert);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Deadend");
- IdAlertTags(lastalert,IDTAG_DeadStr,sysentry->syse_line,TAG_DONE);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Sub System");
- IdAlertTags(lastalert,IDTAG_SubsysStr,sysentry->syse_line,TAG_DONE);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"General");
- IdAlertTags(lastalert,IDTAG_GeneralStr,sysentry->syse_line,TAG_DONE);
- }
- if(sysentry = genentry(first,&previous,&syscnt)) {
- strcpy (sysentry->syse_desc,"Specific");
- IdAlertTags(lastalert,IDTAG_SpecStr,sysentry->syse_line,TAG_DONE);
- }
- }
- }
- return (syscnt);
- }
- void PrintSystem (char *filename) {
- int i=1;
- BPTR handle;
- struct SystemEntry *entryp = NULL;
- STRPTR desc,line;
- handle = HandlePrintStart (filename);
- if (handle) {
- if (! WI_System) {
- i = GetSystem (&entryp);
- }
- if (i) {
- for (i=0;;i++) {
- if (WI_System)
- DoMethod (syslist,MUIM_List_GetEntry,i,&entryp);
- if (!entryp) break;
- desc = entryp->syse_desc; while(*desc=='\33') desc+=2;
- line = entryp->syse_line; while(*line=='\33') line+=2;
- _sprintf (tmpstr2, " %15s %s\n",desc,line);
- if (! (PrintOneLine (handle, tmpstr2)))
- break;
- if (! WI_System)
- entryp = entryp->syse_next;
- }
- }
- }
- HandlePrintStop();
- }
- void ShowSystem (void) {
- struct SystemEntry *syse;
- ApplicationSleep();
- set (syslist,MUIA_List_Quiet,TRUE);
- FreeSystem();
- GetSystem(&syse);
- while (syse) {
- InsertBottomEntry (syslist, (APTR *) &syse);
- syse = syse->syse_next;
- }
- AwakeApplication();
- set (syslist,MUIA_List_Quiet,FALSE);
- }
- void SendSystemList (void) {
- struct SystemEntry *syse;
- FreeSystem();
- GetSystem (&syse);
- while (syse) {
- SendEncodedEntry ((UBYTE *) syse, sizeof (struct SystemEntry));
- syse = syse->syse_next;
- }
- FreeSystem();
- }
- APTR WI_System, syslist, systext;
- char system_title[WINDOWTITLELEN];
- void SystemWindow (BOOL state) {
- if (state) {
- if (WI_System) {
- ShowSystem();
- } else {
- WI_System = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, MyGetWindowTitle (system_title, "SYSTEM"),
- MUIA_HelpNode, SystemText,
- MUIA_Window_ID, MakeListID('S','Y','S','T'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, syslist = ListviewObject,
- MUIA_Listview_Input, FALSE,
- MUIA_Listview_List, ListObject,
- MUIA_Font, MUIV_Font_Fixed,
- ReadListFrame,
- MUIA_List_Format, "DELTA=8 BAR P=\33r,",
- MUIA_List_DisplayHook, &syslist_dsphook,
- End,
- MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE,
- End,
- Child, MyVSpace(2),
- Child, HGroup, MUIA_Group_SameSize, TRUE,
- Child, BT_SysUpdate = KeyButtonA (UpdateText,ID_SYSUPDATE),
- Child, BT_SysPrint = KeyButtonA (PrintText ,ID_SYSPRINT),
- Child, BT_SysExit = KeyButtonA (ExitText ,ID_SYSEXIT),
- End,
- End, End;
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_ADDMEMBER,WI_System);
- DoMethod (WI_System,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,syslist,BT_SysUpdate, BT_SysPrint,BT_SysExit,NULL);
- SetCloseRequest (WI_System,ID_SYSEXIT);
- ShowSystem();
- SetWindowOpen (WI_System,syslist,ID_SYSEXIT);
- }
- } else if ((! state) && (WI_System)) {
- SetWindowClose (WI_System,TRUE);
- FreeSystem();
- DoMethod (AP_Scout,OM_REMMEMBER,WI_System);
- MUI_DisposeObject (WI_System);
- WI_System = NULL;
- }
- }